
1950年代 (創業期)
大衛は1951年に設立。脱脂綿、ガーゼ、包帯 (いわゆる衛生三品) の製造・販売を開始。主に薬局、化粧品店向けに売って回る。その後、紙綿を脱脂綿の中に入れ吸収性を高めた生理用品を開発。これが大ヒットし生理用品分野に本格進出。
In 1951, Daiei was established and started to produce and distribute Absorbent cotton, Gauze, and Bandage, mainly to drug stores. Then, a sanitary product with excellent absorbent capacity by mixing cotton and paper was well accepted in the market, which directed us to sanitary fields.
1960年代 (転換期)
However, an entry of a big capital into the sanitary market forced us to turn the direction. Newly approached obstetric equipment field with our accumulated technologies. And, reached to launch of new Delivery Pad with hospitals tied up, which was also a trigger of establishment of new sales channels.
1970~80年代 (成長期)
Good connections with hospitals realized many new products. In order to penetrate them throughout Japan and support hospitals more securely, ten sales offices opened, which attained establishment of entire network in Japan, and contributed to the top market share in Japan.
1990~2000年代 (発展期)
Acquisition of ISO13485 in the van of the industry, in order to supply safer products.
Taking advantage of the experience of Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake(1995), we produce disaster control products, “RESCUE-MAMA” etc.
We promote the awareness of disaster response.
Throughout the “Industry, government and academia project”, we produce “Endo-apron” and”Self-Gown(adopted to WHO recommending product)”,first time in the world.
These products are contributing to such latest environment in hospital that increasing surgical time because of endoscopic surgery and that increasing emergency surgery.